President's Message
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President’s Message
This year the Orillia Fish and Game Conservation Club is proud to be celebrating 76 years of Conservation! Our members are currently involved in many types of conservation projects including stream improvement, forest management and fish stocking . Our members believe that educating our youth in responsible hunting, fishing, camping and hiking will help guide them to reach the Club’s main objectives which are the conservation of our forests and wildlife, not only for our generation but for generations yet to come. To add to this endeavor, the OFGCC is proud to offer a Club funded bursary called the Orillia Fish & Game Conservation Club Deceased Members Bursary”. The purpose of this bursary is to assist post-secondary students who are enrolled in conservation related courses at the Community College and University levels with funds to assist them with their tuition.
The OFGCC maintains two properties, one being the 60 acre “George Langman Sanctuary”, which is open to the public free of charge. This property contains a number of trails and lookouts for public year-round use to observe nature and plant life and offers many opportunities for photographers to record the wonders of nature. The second, is a 90 acre “Tree Farm” where the Club grows Christmas trees as well maintains a growing Red Pine Forestry.. The property also contains camp sites with ponds, a covered Pavilion and a 100 yard certified sighting in range for the use of its members . Our members are very proud of our conservation achievements and we always welcome new members who are interested in preserving our natural resources and wildlife.